So, I dropped by her place before dinner and went in to see Pea and Pumpkin. Pea, the big brother is a happy dog, till Pea shows up and start running after him. Pea just isn't keen on bonding with little brother Pumpkin at the moment. Poor Pea was acting like he was being harassed. Let's hope in time (hopefully soon) that Pea and Pumpkin will bond and become inseparable!
We then went off for dinner at Restoran Ang Kee in Cheow Yang, PJ. Precious Pea took pics of the dishes, I suppose she will be blogging on it soon. I had written a post on Ang Kee before, you can check it out here. We were really stuffed, but I'll let Precious Pea tell you what we ate. We then went back to the house and I manage to take some pics of Pea and Pumpkin.

They are such cute dogs but since Pumpkin's still a puppy, he looked like a little furball! cute! See, Pumpkin's only slightly bigger than one side of the slippers!

By the way, check out the Pulitzer Prize Winners for 2007
For Breaking News Photography
For Feature Photography - this one made me really sad....and to value each and every day of my life. A reminder for us all...
For Editorial Cartooning
For Breaking News Photography
For Feature Photography - this one made me really sad....and to value each and every day of my life. A reminder for us all...
For Editorial Cartooning
The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.
~ Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912
The doggies are really cute furballs. Next time, I'm coming along, WMW! :-P
A picture is really worth a thousand words. It's amazing what one picture can do, and the emotions it evokes in a person. Thanks for sharing the info on the Pulitzer Prize winners.
Hahaha....WMW, you are faster than me. Anyway,i just posted on Ang Kee. :) Thanks for accompany me for dinner yesterday!
oh dear..pumpkin looks so cute...that i wan to hug it all day wonder pea seems threatened..the pictures mean so much..
From the picture, it's obvious that Pumpkin is notti!
Just came from precious pea's blog. U 2 are fast workers! U think possible to smuggle d 'lil furball to the get-together ar?
Lyrical lemongrass : Yes, you should see them with your own eyes! No worries about info
precious pea : No worries! My pleasure.
S.W.I.C.C : They are really adorable!
Jason : He is, but he's a puppy mah!
tummythoz : Eh, you gotta ask P.Pea..., all my dogs back home is never like tt one, all garang2 paria one haha, thx for sharing bout the pulitzer news, btw, ur kota bahru food trip has enticed me enough to make some lo mai gai :PP thanks ! :)
Apple strudel? Come to Perth to taste, what most of them claim, the best Apple Studel! Corica's Apple Strudel and it's really nice. ;)
Bring along to the get-together? Hehehe..sekali i tendang out from the restaurants leh. I just found out Pumpkin is super glutton like me, he smelt my mouth got apple strudel and he climbed to my face and kept licking my mouth. Hahahaha!
Melting Wok : Guess I'll be seeing some lo mai kai on your blog...:o)
kok : I went to Perth in 2005....don't know you yet. Or maybe you weren't there yet. If not, sure ask you to bring me makan Strudel.
precious pea : Ha ha cute lah Pumpkin. Hope Pea will respond better to his younger bro soon.
I'm here since 2004 lah. Haha! Too bad you still don't know me. I can bring you at least to makan the famous, Apple Strudel. If I'm not wrong, it costs Aud$16 for one long Apple Strudel. But it definitely worths the money. :)
Awww puppy so kute. I totally agree with the quotes, dog do love you unconditionally.
I love their names --- Pea and Pumpkin. And sooooo cute to boot! Can just eat them up... er, don't mean that literally lah... jangan marah ye... ;)
Goodness, Pumpkin looked so cute in the last photo!! Kakaka....I can understand Pea's jealousy now.
omigoodness, those sacramento bee pictures are SOOOOOO touching. sigh, so sad, so sad. sob sob.
some clever one said
"dogs are a bit like man while cats r a bit like women"
true or not all u dog lovers ! !
Kok : Aiyah, miss...Hopefully, there will be another time!
firehorse : So, are you a dog lover or a cat lover?
kenny : I know you've been more interested in food of late since you started visiting food blogs. I hope it hasn't worked up your appetite in the wrong way. LOL
tankiasu : Hello to you! I suppose it's a bit of jealousy and being totally irritated at the same time! Ha ha ha...
fbb:Yes, it's really sad and it makes us all value our lives more, doesn't it???
team bsg : True, but women being more versatile than men probably are a bit of both! ;O)
Hopefully I'll still be in Perth when you have the chance to visit here next time. :)
kok : I hope so too!
Both the doggies are so cute! Pumpkin looks mischievous!
Both of them are so adorable. Pumpkin looks like a soft toy.
Korean Princess : Yes, they are! Especially Pumpkin since she's a puppy!
boo : You ought to see Pumpkin chasing Pea cute!
What sort of dog is pumpkin? the one thats lying next to the thong?
Anonymous : It's a Pekingese :o).
Hey, Pumpkin looks adorable! What type of dog is he?
Anonymous : Hello! How did you come across this old post of mine? It's a Pekingese.
OMG what breed is the fluffy one pumpkin, what breed/mix is he?
Libby : Pumpkin is a Pekingnese.
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