Babe_KL had asked a group of us to take part in this year's Merdeka Open House 2007 : Muhibbah, a virtual celebration of Malaysia's Independence Day which she will be hosting. What we have to do is to either cook or post on a favourite dish of ours from a different ethnic. Since this is my first time taking part in such an event, I had to check with Babe_KL whether I could just repost an old food entry of mine; one that is truly my favourite. Ayam Percik from Kota Bahru!
The Ayam Percik here in Kota Bahru has a very distinctive flavour and there isn't one that comes close to it here in Klang Valley. I was presently surprised when I received an email from Michael, an American residing in South Georgia.
"Hi, What a great post you did about food in Khota Bharu and ayam percik. I've been trying to make that ever since I was there ten years ago. Twice a year I google it for recipes and your post was the best thing I've seen yet. That tangy sauce is hard to get right.I posted a link to your blog on mine because I've been telling stories about how good the food is in Khota Bharu for a long time and your pictures really brought it to life for me. Thank you!"And when I replied a short note to him saying that food in Kota Bahru is in Malaysia is great, this was his reply :-
"You are so right, I ate my way across Malaysia and loved every minute of it. I thought Penang was great for eating, there's such variety; its still the best south Indian vegetarian I've had anywhere. For Malaysian food KB was fantastic and I had a great time on those islands east of there."
Well, you can imagine how great the Ayam Percik here is since Michael still remembers it ten years later! Well, what can I say...except this
Malaysia - love the country, love the food!
Selamat Hari Merdeka!
(Originally posted on May 02, 2007 - Kota Bahru Food Trip Pt. 8 Final)
The is the last installment in the
Kota Bahru Food Trip series! The night before we left, we headed to
Yati Ayam Percik (Spicy BBQ Chicken) for dinner. I had eaten at this place before many years ago and looked forward to it again as the chicken was delicious. Before I totally forget how it was, it was timely indeed that I manage to pay another visit to this place yet again, refreshing my memory and reminding my
taste buds.
Located at 847,
Jalan Long
Yunus - you can smell the lovely aroma of food all around!

Food galore! Look at all these really big woks of dishes and different types of curry gravy!

There's a large grilling pit at one corner where all the cooking action is happening; staff basting the meat with the delicious gravy once in awhile.

We opted for plain rice with a bit of fried desiccated coconut, beansprouts, some leaves and gravy. Good enough to eat on its own!

Finally, the most delicious
Ayam Percik I have ever eaten! The secret is in the gravy that makes it so good. Somehow, I have been unable to find the same tasty gravy served with
Ayam Percik here in the
Klang Valley. It's creamy with a hint of coconut and unknown wonderful spices (unknown to me, that is)...eating there, I was happy that we could ask for extra gravy. Now, this is what I call "Finger licking good!"
For those who might want to try their hand at cooking
Ayam Percik themselves, I found some recipes online;
here and
here (might not be as good as
Yati's though). Try your hand at them and let me know if any of them are good. If yes, do invite me for a meal! Ha ha ha...
If you are ever in
Kota Bahru, this is one of the places that you must eat at! Opening Hours: Saturday-Thursday (noon-11.30pm); Friday (3pm-11.30pm) Phone: 09-7479867.
Posts on Merdeka Open House 2007 : Muhibbah