When Rasa Malaysia announced that she'll be coming back to Penang/KL, some bloggers decided that we should do a gathering. Of course, a gathering of food bloggers would involve food...and more food. Boo_licious organized a hawker food "tour" on Friday night and
Audrey organised a dinner of Thai/Penang fusion food at Makansutra on Saturday night. As a matter of fact, I just came back a couple of hours ago from the dinner (will also blog on that later).
A group of us met up on Friday night (
Boo_licious + 2 friends,
Rasa Malaysia and hubby,
Lyrical Lemongrass,
Fat Boy Bakes and myself) at Wong Ah Wah in Jalan Alor.

Nicely decorated, Jalan Alor is a tourist attraction. With lots and lots of restaurants and stalls, it is truly a food haven.

Wong Ah Wah is well known for its Chicken Wings and also serves dishes. The place is usually crowded and you can see the staff in the kitchen area working furiously away! Woks aligned in a row and a big steamer, all are being utilised well.

Working furiously at the grill too, roasting the chicken wings.
As we were going to stop by other food venue(s) after this place, we ordered 4 dishes. Of course with food bloggers, we all whipped out our cameras and started clicking away when the food arrived. The good thing about eating with other food bloggers is that we are usually a patient lot, unlike our other non blogging friends who will be sighing away or asking how much longer they will have to wait till they can eat the dish! LOL...So, I guess a few of us will be blogging about this outing and the one on Saturday too.

The chicken wings were good, but not as good as before when I used to patronize this place more often in the late 80's. You can taste the "smoked" chicken with its slightly burnt and flavourful skin.

The simple Brussel Sprouts that was done just right.

I do not know how to eat Balitong! It's a snail like delicacy which I have yet to conquer.

La la in Chinese Rice Wine soup - pretty good but mild, a tad more wine would be better. (Or was it suppose to be normal??? I forgot!)
To be continued ...Meng Kee Grill Fish and Squid and Hokkien Mee at Jalan Cheng Lock!
What mouth watering dishes. Oh, the balitong...how I miss balitong!
I can see why there were 2 seafood dishes because Rasa Malaysia loves her seafood. A girl after my own heart. :))
Tks 4 da songs...
now v know how u produce all yr dazzling secret shots already !
Hello hello! I still chuckle when I think of how all our cameras came out the moment the dishes were placed on the table. Like food paparazzi one! Nice meeting you, girl!
Can become my tour guide for food when i go to your place? haha! I want the chicken wings!
waa...so much gud food! I can imagine a bunch of ppl sitting together, snapping pics of the dishes from different angles :D
Wow, you are so fast...I work all day long to put my half-a$$ post up...I will leave all the food reviews and detailed reports to your capable hands. Hehehe.
Judy:Hey there! I don't know how to eat wor. By the way, your blog is no longer accessible (at least not to me)? I don't have your email. You can write me at emailwmw@gmail.com
team bsg : No problem. What secret shots leh? Nice meeting you!
lyrical lemongrass : Yah! It was funny! But best of all, we all got to meet up!
Jackson : Eh, don't call me sifu lah...I'm still learning myself lah!
kok : Sure thing, if you ever drop by here in KL/PJ, can take you around.
xiu long bao : No need to imagine anymore. Next time, we gather more floggers and you can experience the photo taking session yourself. The restaurant's staff must think that we are mad! LOL
Rasa Malaysia : Nolah, don't say that. I write simple report only. You say I fast? Jackson already put up Makansutra's dinner!!! He lagi terror...
My first balitong attempt was at WAW. Had difficult time digging the snail out and i think i sucked too hard, major headache after the dinner! Anyway...great pics of yummy food. BTW, why is Jackson calling you sifu?
of course, for those of you who've never met wmw in real life, and are depending on her avatar on her profile to give you an impression of what she looks like, BE NOT DECEIVED, she looks NOTHING like that very misleading picture!!!!
so nice meeting such a bubbly character. and such lovely pics.
Precious Pea : Wah, eat balitong can get headache? Ha ha ha... Oh, Jackson calling me that 'cos of the photography lah...I tell him I'm still learning, cannot take disciples yet! LOL...
fbb: Ha ha ha...thanks for the compliments. Eh, sure the second part of your comment was a compliment but not too sure about the first part! LOL...
boo hoooooooo.... i feel so sad, so sad that i didn't manage to join u all.... sobz....... :(
Indeed I missed out B-I-G T-I-M-E. I can just imagine d simultaneous whipping out cameras scene!
wah! I love your night shots... hmm must get some photo tips from you lah! I am useless with night scenes. Btw, I love balitong! miss those buggers so much!
Mei Yen : No need to cry *hands you a tissue*. Am sure there will be a next time. No worries!
tummythoz : Ha ha ha...The dishes just stood there helplessly! I know know why some celebrities get upset...:o)
audrey : Hi there! Thanks for dropping by. It's the camera loh, not me. Hee hee...
Thanks first! I really hope I can drop by KL. *Pssst* Tell you what, the last time I was in KL was about more than 10 years ago! :P
Those chicken wings were pretty good. No comparison for me as my first time eating there. Nice meeting you and totally agree with FBB, you don't look anything like yr pix on the blog.
kok: Wahhh...You have a lot of catching up to do on the food here! Hee hee..
boo : Nice meeting you too...and it's uncanny how your two friends and I had some things in common! Ha ha ha...thanks for the compliment. It's fixed then, the avatar on the blog stays since it's misleading. Teckiee recognized me though, hmmmm....
Thanks for this link. I love the BBQ pit. You took the photo from a different angle than Lyrical Lemongrass (LL).
I have linked to your Wong Ah Wah, Jalan Alor (floggers' meet) post as well as LL's from my chicken wings article.
Lee Ping : No worries....Thanks for the link.
Used to go to WAW about twice a month for 12 years. Man I miss the chicken wings, kam heong lala, black pepper crab and butter prawns. I live for WAW!
Used to go to WAW about twice a month for 12 years. Love the black pepper crab, kam heong lala, butter prawns and of course the chicken wings. Love the place, unfortunately moved overseas!
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