Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Coffee Break at Black Canyon Coffee, Centrepoint

When I'm usually free for a coffee break, I end up at Black Canyon Coffee, Centrepoint with my usual coffee gang. What's my fave coffee here?
Ancient Coffee
Ancient Coffee - "gau" strong and full bodied, almost like the usual Vietnamese Coffee with condensed milk. Each order comes with Jasmine tea in a shot glass (to get rid of the coffee aftertaste) and a small plate of of "ABCs" Marie biscuits.
Glass Noodle Salad
And my favourite side order would be the Glass Noodle Salad - Lots of "oomph" with raw onions, peanuts, prawns, mook yee (wood ear's fungus), minced chicken with lots of chili padi (bird's eye chili).
William Potato
William Potato (took this with my friend's SE handphone). It looked so cute - it's mashed potato coated with bread crumbs and deep fried. Sort of like pear shaped potato wedges!
Feed Me
And if one has too much time on their hands, why not play a game of anagram with the Marie biscuits??? I like this one I made "Feed Me"...Hahaha....

Here's to more coffee breaks!

Retirement is one great big giant coffee break. ~ Author Unknown


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

looks like to save money i might need to dwngrade my latte to this..looks just as good! although i tried the food and its ok lar i suppose..then again..coffeebreaks is all about coffee!

Precious Pea said...

Hehehe...that is my fav biscuits when I was a kid. Where can get those now?

MochaSourcream said...

Well, I know where to go next time I need a caffeine fix... hehehe... I love Lattes & Mocha ( of cos )...

Anonymous said...

OH I was just at Black Canyon in JB (Aeon Tebrau City). Didn't know there was a branch closer to home. And ain't it weird how the Western name doesn't quite gel with the cuisine which is Thai? :P

P.S. "FEED ME"? Hilarious... I wonder what other foodie-anagrams you can uncover next... ;)

Anonymous said...

this being the first posting will definitely be the most stupid one .. where is Centrepoint? It sounds familiar but I don't recall if we had been there? The salad looks delicious- ada kicap? (mp)

Anonymous said...

Can you choose your alphabets? hehe. Next time ask for U-G-W-U-G.

wmw said...

Joe : So cham ah? Drinking at Black Canyon means downgrading ah? Ubah gayahidup! Hahaha...

Precious P : I thought still available at supermarkets? What about pasar malam then?

Mochasourcream: Their mocha coffee with ice cream is good too!

Kenny : Anybody can tell us why Black Canyon??? More anagrams next time!

MP : Nolah, you're not the first to post a comment. It's ok, will bring you there. Salad no kicap but definitely got fish sauce :o).

Lyrical L : Cannot choose woh...It's fun trying to make words out of the biscuits, hehe...

myCoffee said...

The salad looks delicious. Shall try that next time. My usual order is their Spicy Tuna Salad Thai-style. Very appetizing too!

ling239 said...

the tom yam prawns is very good too ~ ^_^

how did u get all the alphabets ? so lucky of u...

Anonymous said...

Ooo.. thos biscuits! Used to makan alot of them during primary school.

HairyBerry said...

wah! your coffee break is so elaborated one...yumz.

mine's just plain water. ok lar, got an apple as well..hehehe

Anonymous said...

ya lor. almost like scrabulous. :-P

LianneK said...

the last time i was there horrr, the portions were sooo miserable. is it still as miserable?

J2Kfm said...

haha ... what other letters they provided?
agreed with mycoffee that the tuna salad was good. unpretentious, but befitting a light meal. yummy !!!
serving the coffee with tea looks odd though.

wmw said...

mycoffee : My friends have ordered that before, I don't mind picking on that too :o)

Ling239 : Dunno, haha...I suppose some of you will try to see what words they can get the next time you all go to Black Canyon. Maybe find one that spells your name, that will be nice!

Jason : Oh, back in primary days, I use to eat the "navel" biscuit, the one with the sugar frosting on top.

Nic : Nolah, your "coffee break" seems healthier :o)

Lyrical L : Fancy having a game at Black Canyon but then it will have to be a fast game, cos not enough biscuits for more rounds, hahaha...(some get eaten during the game too! LOL!)

Lianne : I don't find the portions miserable. Just right for me.

j2kfm : I thought serving the jasmine tea was a cool idea. Like I said, it gets rid of the coffee aftertaste.

Ethan : "I'm not a boy, not yet a grown man" - sung to the tune of Britney's song :p

daphne said...

oh boy, that looks like good coffee to me. oh no, i think coffee is calling me.. nooooooo

and how come the marie biscuits come in alphabets there? ours r plain! =(

k.t.x said...

i think black canyon coffee serves better thai food than 80% of the thai restaurants in KL!!!! i miss it and juz knew they hv a branch in centre point...from u that is!!! cooooll.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Been there so many times, didn't know they have 'William Potato'!!

tigerfish said...

I am a kopi gau fan! :D

ai wei said...

i gonna drop by for the ancient coffee u recommended!!! thanks thanks~

wmw said...

Daphne : Hmmm, hope you had your coffee fix by now. You like spelling biscuits too? :o)

k.t.x.: Here's a place to go for dinner ;o)

Korean Princess : That was a teatime special.

Tigerfish : Mmm...this Ancient coffee would appeal to you then!

ai wei : Hope you like it!

jasmine said...

love going to black canyon though i normally have their iced coffees. Will try this ancient coffee coz it looks so good! and yes, i love their glass noodle salad too!

Bernsy said...

did you know that Black Canyon was called that because it is located within the Golden triangle(drug trade ).

Wonder if the addictiveness has anything gotta do with the previous crop that was planted there ???


wmw said...

Jasmine : Let me know your verdict :o)

Bernsy : Oooh, thanks for letting me know! Uhh...I guess we should drink with caution??? Hahaha...

meiyi said...

i must agree.. it's good stuff!